Rebranding Sustainability

In the Fashion Industry, the average buyer and consumer is not always fully aware of where and how their clothes are made. Starting from where the materials are sourced from, all the way to where they end up being sold, the clothes could have traveled completely around the world, visiting several different countries on 
several different continents. This entire process is known as a supply chain. Throughout each step of the supply chain, extremely large quantities of material waste and carbon dioxide gases (greenhouse gases) are eliminated into the environment, making the fashion industry in its entirety one of the most polluting industries in the world. Many people are unaware of this because according to the tags and labels on your clothing, the garment was “Made in China” or “Made in Bangladesh” because technically, it was processed there at some point along the way as part of one step of the supply chain. 
One of the solutions that could position the fashion industry into a more advanced stage of sustainability is transparency. Starting to be clearer about where the garment is made, how, in what condition and by whom. The consumer deserves to know for ethical purposes but also to be conscious and to get knowledge about the environment.
Throughout my project I am exploring how to make people more aware of the toxic journey that their clothes go on before you purchase them at the store by being much more transparent about where they are coming from and hopefully making people think twice about what they are purchasing and the carbon footprint they are contributing to the environment by doing so.

Madame Grès Reinvented